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前后处理10:Laminate Optimization 优化 首先对优化进行了概述性介绍,主要包括三个目标,然后是优化过程中需要定义的数据属性,如设计变量,设计约束,目标,加载等,具体如下,详细见附件。另外还介绍了一个算例。 1. Laminateoptimization overview The optimizationprocess includes the following three objects: •Designvariables are plyproperties that are allowed to change. •Designconstraints are limits thatthe optimization must respect. •Designobjectives are the laminateparameters that the optimization process is minimizing or maximizing 2. Designvariables:The design variables are ply properties that are allowed to change during the optimization ofa laminate 3. Designconstraints 4. Designobjectives 5. Load cases 6. Geneticalgorithm for laminate optimization 7. Export a designvariable as a modeling object 8. Laminate Optimization,Correlation and Update 算例: Optimization of a honeycomb panel 0 e- j* [) M0 I1 O