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[转帖] 船舶温室气体减排为MEPC第59次会议首要议程(中英)

发表于 2010-5-31 17:41:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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国际海事组织(IMO)的海上环境保护委员会(MEPC)将于2009年7月13日至17日,在伦敦IMO总部召开第59次会议,议程中有望通过一项一揽子技术和操作标准,以减少国际航行船舶的温室气体排放量,并就可能对航运业起激励作用的市场导向措施进行深入讨论。1 F* M* r' c+ o. c, e

; x7 r% [/ g: S其他要讨论的项目包括是否通过MARPOL公约的修订案,以及MARPOL附则VI、2009年废旧船舶安全环保回收香港公约、2004压载水管理公约应如何实行。' C' l: U$ N, s- o
& W* Q* d. }5 Z, e  I  F
% T6 ~5 x* d! z4 V9 j6 p0 U7 L- r" b  W
应采取何种技术和操作措施以减少船舶排放的温室气体,MEPC将予以考虑。具体措施将包括对新造船提出的一项能效设计指数,其目的是从设计阶段刺激所有影响着船舶能效要素的革新和技术发展;以及一个对所有新造和现有船舶生效的船舶管理计划,该计划包括了一个从船舶燃油有效性最佳使用方法着手的操作能效操作指示方案,可以方便操作者测量一条使用中船舶的能效。 这些措施将形成一个一揽子计划,以供会议更深入的讨论表决。
0 g7 X$ S2 R9 Z: a
' _; J& ]: S+ C7 ^考虑到如果受全球经济回暖的影响,船舶活动增加,技术和操作标准也许不足以将船舶温室气体排放量减少至预计量,委员会还将更进一步讨论市场导向措施。这些措施将有两个主要目的:抵销其他领域增长的排放;刺激航运业投资更具能效的技术。具体包括一项海事排放贸易计划和一项基于海上油轮资金库的船舶温室气体排放基金。
8 R; y8 ^. b( X8 u( e, I
% Y9 e3 I- ?) Y) ]7 N" e. gMEPC议程中将讨论的一个重要文件是2009年第二次IMO温室气体研究,该研究估算不同的技术和操作方法的减排潜能,以及它们的成本效益,同时对可考虑的不同政策选择进行评估比较,关于船运给气侯变暖的影响提供最完整和权威性的数据。其具体内容涉及一系列重要结论,包括:6 A$ Y; ]% p$ Z9 O3 I9 G) \# c

" M) w1 _1 t$ [; t1 z• 国际航运在2007年估计排放了870,000,000吨二氧化碳,占全球人为排放量的百分之2.7;
1 |1 R- y7 q, S4 k3 ~6 d
; O% m5 ?3 K. C1 h• 中期排放计划建议:2050年,如减排政策缺席,作为全球经济回暖的结果,船舶排放可能将增长百分之150至250(与2007年排放量比较);同时
! D0 D+ e  q/ _4 C4 G$ }' g" I8 N* l. t/ M. L) p! o: y
• 可能减少温室气体排放的重要技术和实操手段已经评估。总体来说,如果所有的手段都实行,包括对操作速度的大幅降低,有望在2050年就现有吨/里计量的排放数值而言非常可观的增加效率、减少排放率。# B+ N# j/ a! N) \4 L2 Y0 ^1 H5 a
8 S+ R9 M! J2 ~0 [7 R
: j) X: O- b+ `- \, ^1 u' m3 O5 @% k
2、排放控制区域的建议提上议程/ c. |$ [9 E! N% T: {: G3 g/ l
8 \! Z; V, d1 t6 Z! o$ z
MEPC将考虑指定美国和加拿大沿岸水域的特定区域作为排放控制区域(ECA)。根据200810月通过、将在2010年7月1日生效的MARPOL附则VI“防止船舶造成大气污染”修订版,ECA的定义是控制氧化氮(NOx)、氧化硫(SOx)、以及特定物质排放的区域/ ^3 M; s( i: i, {2 N- G

3 P$ [/ x8 E( Q0 a3 o/ U: s1 E目前,修订后的附则列出了两个ECA:波罗的海区域和北海,后者包括英吉利海峡。
. L; L1 X8 `: ?3 F; P
2 G' d# g. C3 @- k3、MARPOL附则VI实施指导纲要有望通过
3 p1 u! U! \8 d1 i5 P  K$ }8 V; n! d' F
7 \+ Q) j& T' a: x8 I5 H3 B1 d
, F0 a/ O, B& k; i9 s) j基于海洋环境保护科学事项联合专家组专家小组(GESAMP)收到的反馈,委员会将考虑对气体排放装置清洁体系(排放擦洗器)洗涤水排放实行过渡时期标准,以更新现有气体排放清洁体系纲要中的标准(现有标准制订于MEPC.170(57)决议)。: J4 p7 d0 F& {% C- V  Q' W

9 h5 f" I$ D4 W; J委员会还期望通过关于经修订的MARPOL附则VI中第13.7.5条成本效益公式的定义和“第一层”机车证书及修订版中的氧化氮技术标准实行的指导纲要之通报。
0 X' B3 ?: `& K5 p% j) r# v5 [
- U7 L: ?* N1 m+ s1 M% p- ^4、MARPOL修订案——海上油轮间转移油类货物
& K, k4 t  l- s- g0 h& r
+ z0 t9 H! |, c8 z+ nMEPC将考虑通过MARPOL附则I修正案,以防止船对船(STS)油类转移操作造成的海洋污染。
9 V7 e% d/ U* E1 B3 k: a& f8 g
/ r3 \. W, i1 u新的第8章致力于防止海上油轮间转移油类货物时造成的污染,其规定将适用于150总吨及以上的油轮,并将要求任何油轮从事船舶间油类物质操作时,必须在船上备有一个描述上述操作如何进行的计划,且该计划应经主管部门批准。给相关海岸国的通知,应于计划的船舶间作业开始48小时前告知。但该规定并不打算适用于油轮作业。国际防止油污染(IOPP)证书和油类记录簿的的后续修订、补充,将考虑通过。
! h$ g( m2 I1 A3 B$ J8 Z
% W- d! S: J/ A  w: R3 J5、残油(油泥)的MARPOL修订案
, o' F1 m3 m7 ^7 t
& `9 ]* U8 f6 k. m/ }% oMARPOL附则I有关残油(油泥)处理的第1、 12、13、17和38条修订草案,在会议的议程中将考虑通过。该修订案有意对长期存在的某些要求作出进一步说明,并消除现存的一些模糊认识,以促进实际操作与公约的符合性。残油(油泥)、残油(油泥)罐箱、油污水及其储放罐的定义都将第一次纳入介绍范畴。
2 O" S1 a9 ]( l) @4 n! a0 i/ Z7 L5 L: D' L# U
IOPP证书格式A、格式B以及油污记录簿的有关修订办法也将考虑通过。9 g& N; D5 q. h$ e2 `

& b0 y; v9 n& E( r8 s' j6、保护南极地区的特殊措施考虑通过) n% F* ]) }. b$ N2 I( B

. k) H% u2 n3 D7 E7 \7 H2 gMEPC将表决关于在南极地区油类使用或运输特殊要求的MARPOL 附则I修订案,同时考虑其后续接纳程序。
0 N1 h% z; g0 f1 v, |' f3 q
( y, _+ O+ M) c! t+ H/ ]讨论中的修订草案将增加一个第9章、以及第43条,禁止:15°C时密度大于900 kg/m3的原油、15°C时密度大于900 kg/m3或50°C时动粘度大于180 mm2/s的其他油类、沥青、柏油及其乳状液在船上作为货物散装运载、或运载以作为燃油。应注意到,以上禁止不适用于为船舶安全进行保障或搜救作业的船舶。
+ k* [. `- A6 u7 F' R5 q. L% D' l, |7 C
7 i& }: s* D  o$ ?+ h
/ @. t8 {- o; D2 i1 k2009年5月中国香港会议上,《废旧船舶安全环保回收香港公约》通过以后,委员会继续完善安全环保回收废旧船舶的指导纲要、以及危险物品清单。这些是协助公约实施的首要文件。它们的完善和尽早实行,对于公约生效前的主动实施至关重要。& ^# A/ Z$ F4 |4 z6 J* S: j
5 B( O7 U; `6 Q: o& i6 ]
8、国际船舶压载水及其沉积物控制和管理公约(BWM Convention)的实施6 u" A; Q$ O/ m

0 g0 Q: S1 E* g0 zMEPC将审定一份指导纲要,以保证用来处理压载水的化学物质储存、操作过程安全,并进一步控制其处理过程对于船舶和船员的危险。该纲要将对2004年BWM公约的实施有所协助。
7 v! K. r8 {/ B: B) y+ l* o& M
/ `) z; Z+ D+ q; g& n4 Z在对2009年2月和3月分别召开的GESAMP压载水工作组第8和第9次会议报告充分考虑的基础上,MEPC计划对利用活性物质的压载水管理体系的“基本批准”和“最终批准”进行提议表决。工作小组建议对于三项提议给予基本批准、四项提议给予最终批准。
' C' Z# L3 b: @0 x8 {& j8 @9 w9 W
" u$ `5 a& _4 O9 K# H压载水回顾工作组将在MEPC第59次会议上碰头,对压载水技术状态进行回顾,并就这些技术手段的有效性对委员会提出建议,力求与BWM公约的条款保持同步。) J4 i$ m% l. w( x2 n
3 R7 |) `6 G- ?
到目前为止,18个国家已经通过BWM公约,其运力总和代表着世界商船百分之15.36。如果不少于30个国家缔约、且它们的商船总吨位总数不少于世界商船总吨位的百分之35,该公约将在上述条件满足之日起12个月后生效。委员会期望敦促其他国家尽早批准该公约。& ], |8 F; F& M2 h. Q- }

$ a9 l2 k. ~* Y% O: {8 o9、船舶噪音对航海人员的消极作用将提上议程4 }3 {/ m( L4 M8 ?3 U3 _8 E

) L! Q- R5 a7 R) i: t& k  M一个通信小组对商业船舶噪音及其对航海人员的消极作用所作的报告将被纳入讨论范围,以冀对船舶静音科技的自愿性技术指导手册有所帮助。同时将讨论的还有可能消除噪音的航海和实际操作办法。
0 u  V0 ?+ L/ t% w% {% l9 R8 S; p/ Y) x8 A4 z
10、有害船底防污系统——考虑最佳方案: R! g8 X$ U9 ?# r5 o1 ~2 v

1 S! a( @# N/ x7 ]8 g1972年防止因倾倒废弃物及其他物质而引起海洋污染的公约(伦敦公约)及其1996年议定书(伦敦议定书)下的科学小组提出从船体上移走原有防污壳的最佳办法指导,考虑到环性传播,MEPC将对此进行讨论。, V. F2 Q$ \+ H

. n5 q( z! c; M; R2001年国际控制船舶有害防污底系统公约于2008年9月生效,要求船舶替换、或覆盖原有的有机锡防污系统。5 M7 g/ k4 M8 Q# ?) ]
% ]+ S; Z0 Q7 g8 c- ~3 ?
4 x- q$ [' M4 q9 [) ]% U" m9 x4 |' I* ^0 B3 P
. g5 E" f0 e1 E( W- G" W, y! f! ]3 Y0 B4 m
12、有毒有害物质污染防备、反应和合作(OPRC-HNS)协议的施行手册提上议程0 a( R8 B  @4 ]$ x8 c

0 \# Z6 p) X+ s  ?+ b- JMEPC将考虑OPRC-HNS技术小组在委员会会议一周前举行的第九次会议的报告,并将考虑起草:一份化学污染手册,以探讨有毒有害物质事故法律及行政事务;一份油污手册,第一项-预防;一份溢油应急指挥体系指导手册;以及溢油快速反应指导手册。委员会将考虑通过两份介绍性IMO典型教程的草案文本,内容是海上有毒有害物质污染事故防备与反应措施,第一份文本重点在于操作层面、第二份重点在于管理层面。同时将考虑通过的还有经修订的OPRC“对训练者进行训练”教程、溢油鉴别与观测指导性文件草案。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-31 17:41:57 | 显示全部楼层

RE:Ship GHG emissions high on agenda at IMO environment meeting

Ship GHG emissions high on agenda at IMO environment meeting
# O# n. I9 b5 q* i+ S8 p, x- K+ V: A4 q
Preview: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) - 59th session: 13 - 17 July, 2009
1 b7 Y; u# }6 d! [8 E
: H9 N, m  m. f8 _' w1 D$ w) r8 y; ^5 tShip GHG emissions high on agenda at IMO environment meeting
! I) A' B6 n7 a+ P( |+ m6 A+ H9 {. o: g
/ O, ?9 [2 x! @) zThe Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is expected to agree on a package of technical and operational measures to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) from international shipping and to hold an in-depth debate on possible market-based instruments to provide incentives for the shipping industry, when it meets for its 59th session from 13 to 17 July 2009, at the IMO Headquarters in London. : |" I. ~: ~+ A1 ?3 X- L+ L
  P9 s" L8 k# @9 }' \
Other issues to be discussed include the adoption of amendments to the MARPOL Convention; and the implementation of MARPOL Annex VI, the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009, and the 2004 Ballast Water Management Convention.) {" Y. W$ I; ^$ L; `7 O7 V
8 d, a* B( n1 y( I6 b
Measures to address GHG from ships to be discussed4 V5 v# {: P& p6 P

! ~) |6 I/ W/ V! x0 ?' dThe MEPC will consider proposed technical and operational measures to reduce GHG emissions from ships. These include an Energy Efficiency Design Index for new ships, which is intended to stimulate innovation and technical development of all the elements influencing the energy efficiency of a ship from its design phase, and a Ship Energy Management Plan, for new and existing ships, which incorporates best practices for the fuel efficient operation of ships. The plan incorporates an Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator for new and existing ships, which enables operators to measure the fuel efficiency of a ship in operation. : K/ J1 x( Q; D% s+ b8 K/ |& X
9 i0 D+ x) g; v3 ]' ?+ D
These measures will form a package intended to be agreed at the meeting for further trials.
+ E) ]$ d# L/ |4 U
7 T9 O9 y- I& n5 Z- w; NThe Committee will also give further consideration to market-based measures, recognizing that technical and operational measures may not be sufficient to reduce the desired amount of GHG emissions from ships, if shipping activity increases as a consequence of growth in global trade. Such measures would have two main purposes: to offset growing emissions in other sectors; and to serve as an incentive for the industry to invest in more fuel-efficient technologies. The two market-based instruments that will be discussed at the MEPC are a maritime emission trading scheme and an international contribution fund for GHG Emissions from ships, based on a global contribution on marine bunkers.5 e; m+ D2 G) l: Q
) A4 p+ e! U6 ^: w- h; g8 c
One of the important documents on the MEPC's agenda will be the Second IMO GHG Study 2009, which provides the most comprehensive and authoritative figures on the impact of shipping on climate change. The Study estimates the reduction potential of different technologies and practices, as well as their cost effectiveness, and also evaluates the different policy options under consideration. The 2009 Study reaches a number of significant conclusions, including:
4 }: F2 |, [" q! r& }* a: T$ G) P5 Y' p) o7 E
international shipping is estimated to have emitted, in 2007, 870 million tonnes, or about 2.7 per cent of the global manmade emissions of CO2;
) l( |. ], f9 _8 M0 Y- ]3 ]1 E, E0 o2 u+ ~  e, \
mid-range emission scenarios suggest that, by 2050, in the absence of reduction policies, ship emissions may grow by 150 to 250 per cent (compared to 2007 emissions) as a result of growth in world trade; and . U4 Y% U) @4 n( K0 h; i  Q  W- C
6 b( ~. C, v; o4 c7 o6 l& I
a significant potential for reduction of GHGs through technical and operational measures has been identified. Together, if all measures are implemented, including significant reduction in operational speed, they could, by 2050, increase efficiency and reduce the emissions rate very considerably below the current levels on a tonnes/mile basis. ! ?3 ~2 W4 ]1 q; R0 z- b% C1 p1 r

2 J) P5 @' [; [  ~5 }The decisions of the MEPC on GHG emissions from ships will be reported to the Conference that the United Nations will convene in Copenhagen in December 2009, to debate a successor instrument to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)." z+ F) F7 ?/ j4 M! F* }
4 E% Y( o. j+ O
ECA proposal to be considered6 c. A5 {' i) p0 V+ Z( a; {

! c( X# m5 d. Z, L3 |6 `" F$ @A proposal to designate specific portions of the coastal waters of the United States and Canada as an Emission Control Area (ECA) will be considered by the MEPC. The ECA would be for the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), and particulate matter, under the revised MARPOL Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, which was adopted in October 2008 and is expected to come into force on 1 July 2010.5 f4 J. L  B7 _* f
/ v0 S6 j; t# j& X% ~' L5 L' t
Currently, the revised Annex lists two ECAs: the Baltic Sea area and the North Sea, which includes the English Channel.
% d% E5 n2 L3 D+ Y. f$ s& ]& t4 Q4 V
MARPOL Annex VI Guidelines set for adoption  _, I2 [; E5 J  B" {

# b9 x8 D  R1 PMEPC 59 is expected to consider, with a view to adoption, draft Guidelines for the development of a volatile organic compound (VOC) management plan; revised Guidelines for monitoring the worldwide average of sulphur; and revised Guidelines for the sampling of fuel oil for determination of compliance with MARPOL Annex VI. The guidelines are intended to assist Administrations with the implementation of the revised Annex VI.
- k9 E' B" X4 c' C
: p6 @6 ^+ O- q" b/ |# Y( MBased on input received by the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environment Protection (GESAMP), the Committee will consider Interim criteria for discharge of washwater from exhaust gas cleaning systems (exhaust scrubbers), intended to update the existing criteria contained in the Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (contained in resolution MEPC.170(57)).
' ~6 t  e: o2 P7 O6 Z( H) c% h- q5 x# L# K: v/ f! k1 q
The Committee is also expected to approve circulars on Guidelines for the application of the NOx Technical Code relative to certification and amendments of tier I engines and Definitions for the cost effectiveness formula in regulation 13.7.5 of the revised MARPOL Annex VI.
4 ?$ J" j+ ^/ P0 [& i% Z  O
* q3 B3 f& V' s0 h; j+ ?5 |MARPOL amendments - transfer of oil cargo between oil tankers at sea
/ v( q( d9 N* l7 L# ?. S9 \+ O. J  ^3 T2 T2 q
The MEPC will consider, for adoption, proposed draft amendments to MARPOL Annex I for the prevention of marine pollution during ship-to-ship (STS) oil transfer operations.
( N6 K# H  M, l# t' P2 \2 {( D# h% d) N( o
5 |4 e, r* n" A6 Y" yThe new chapter 8 on Prevention of pollution during transfer of oil cargo between oil tankers at sea would apply to oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage and above and would require any oil tanker involved in oil cargo STS operations to have, on board, a plan prescribing how to conduct STS operations (the STS Plan), which would be approved by its Administration.
) N7 {  q' B, j4 I
" M6 a. N9 J. wNotification to the relevant coastal State would be required, not less than 48 hours in advance of the scheduled STS operations. The proposed regulations are not intended to apply to bunkering operations.
* Y8 z$ ^5 R+ ~) K5 G8 k( v0 d
7 Y" k: G" X/ k! J% J2 t/ Q0 [Consequential amendments to the International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate, the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate and the Oil Record Book will also be considered for adoption. : ~' ]! v8 [+ J

% R  N, O. H: k0 r- xOil residue (sludge) MARPOL amendments6 b5 ~/ {2 s( h: r) C2 I, O

0 H1 x0 S$ S+ E% I. q# r$ ZDraft amendments to MARPOL Annex I regulations 1, 12, 13, 17 and 38, relating to the treatment of oil residue (sludge), will be considered for adoption. The proposed amendments are intended as clarification to long-standing requirements and to remove existing ambiguities in order to facilitate compliance. Definitions for oil residue (sludge), oil residue (sludge) tanks, oily bilge water and oily bilge water holding tanks are being introduced for the first time. 0 ]; `" {  E) U6 `

  @7 N: l7 q( vRelated amendments to the Supplement to the IOPP Certificate, Form A and Form B, and the Oil Record Book are also being considered for adoption. ( ^# m, r3 ]2 L4 a% B' K6 ~% d
- Z$ I& E1 \) w0 y- R. j: ?( t
Special measures to protect the Antarctic to be considered for approval- m% u' u6 E, d( C- D; q4 ]7 Y' t
! |# l: T6 D- k  R3 C4 l# G
The MEPC will consider, for approval, proposed draft amendments to MARPOL Annex I on Special requirements for the use or carriage of oils in the Antarctic area, with a view to subsequent adoption.) t4 c7 J3 X5 W
, G7 a9 I- E2 n" n
The proposed draft amendments would add a new chapter 9 with a new regulation 43, which would prohibit the carriage in bulk as cargo, or carriage and use as fuel, of: crude oils having a density at 15°C higher than 900 kg/m3; oils, other than crude oils, having a density at 15°C higher than 900 kg/m3 or a kinematic viscosity at 50°C higher than 180 mm2/s; or bitumen, tar and their emulsions. An exception is envisaged for vessels engaged in securing the safety of ships or in a search and rescue operation. / ?/ ]/ w0 |7 f6 W
3 {9 q6 r' r7 u. m- Z6 d7 C
Development of guidelines to implement ship recycling convention 6 K2 L: m9 C; S- k; f

& X7 l4 U- a! Y5 Y" ]+ YFollowing the adoption of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, at a conference held in Hong Kong, China, in May 2009, the Committee will continue developing the Guidelines for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling and the Guidelines for the development of the inventory of hazardous materials. These are the first two guidelines intended to assist with the implementation of the Convention. Their development and early adoption are crucial for the voluntary implementation of the convention prior to its entry into force. 6 Q! X  A$ d& f

: j( n7 ]8 C; C! W1 t6 ?: B+ w/ PImplementation of the BWM convention
( k; [7 [- x8 {9 Y5 T- g( P& M( C3 t* c
The MEPC will be invited to approve Guidance to ensure safe handling and storage of chemicals used to treat ballast water and the development of safety procedures for risks to the ship and crew resulting from the treatment process. This Guidance is intended to assist with the implementation of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention), adopted in 2004. 8 C3 v$ h9 ]" W2 N1 Y0 i
5 Q- u% l: X: {; E' p
The MEPC is also expected to decide on proposals for "basic approval" and "final approval" of ballast water management systems that make use of active substances, after consideration of the reports of the eighth and ninth meetings of the GESAMP Ballast Water Working Group, which met in February and March 2009, respectively. The Working Group is recommending that basic approval be granted to three proposals and final approval to four.
; C  _0 F6 @% l+ R$ H+ s7 v# c4 x9 q4 j7 b5 K; v  X! o8 R
The Ballast Water Review Group will meet during MEPC 59 to review the status of ballast water technologies and to advise the Committee on their availability, with regard to meeting the conditions in the BWM Convention.
# c# ~7 s2 b" M7 s+ w4 G# j$ N6 D+ F$ R( g( q
To date, 18 States have ratified the BWM Convention, representing 15.36 per cent of the world's merchant shipping. The Convention will enter into force twelve months after the date on which not fewer than 30 States, the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 35 percent of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant shipping, have become Parties to it. The Committee is expected to urge other States to ratify the Convention at the earliest opportunity.* f1 w8 `) a# p9 [  m$ G
: k5 Y! ?# G: H! D8 t  x
Adverse impact of ship noise on marine life to be considered   S; i/ w& L2 f. X) l. n

8 Y$ ?: W8 k& Y, V! j! g+ HThe report of a correspondence group on Noise from commercial shipping and its adverse impact on marine life will be considered, with a view to the future development of voluntary technical guidelines for ship-quieting technologies. Potential navigational and operational practices to reduce noise will also be discussed.
5 i, \; v) {& Q3 V- [: G* ~4 `) u: ~; z! e
Harmful anti-fouling systems for ships - best practices to be considered
# @0 e- z; Z2 X4 U/ K4 ]. l9 f8 u9 ^. H+ O2 L
The MEPC is expected to consider, with a view to disseminating via a circular, Guidance on best management practices for removal of anti fouling coatings from ships, including TBT hull paints, which was developed by the Scientific Groups under the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (London Convention) and its 1996 Protocol (London Protocol).
3 f; A# @( G9 A& ?$ c0 p
% @0 _9 Z/ X  R, M8 R9 M# I* tThe International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001, entered into force in September 2008 and requires ships to either replace, or over-coat, any existing organotin-based anti fouling systems. 7 w  x2 M# b9 f
: l- H/ B6 n- w( H
Joint MSC/MEPC Working Group on the Human Element to meet
# G* a9 B3 t1 j
$ z4 ^5 w3 _: dThe Joint MSC/MEPC Working Group on the Human Element will meet during MEPC 59 to consider human element issues, including proposed draft amendments to the Revised Guidelines on implementation of the International safety Management (ISM) Code, for submission to the IMO Assembly's 26th session in November-December 2009, for adoption.
" ?" h; U- P) m+ q1 w( J3 Q& R+ K. M1 Z+ n
OPRC-HNS implementation - manuals to be considered
. D/ ?9 E7 h7 q/ w9 Y) ]
# }+ i$ z) u4 MThe MEPC will be invited to consider the report of the ninth meeting of the OPRC HNS Technical Group, which is being held in the week prior to the Committee's session and will consider a draft Manual on chemical pollution to address legal and administrative aspects of HNS incidents; a Manual on oil pollution, Section I - Prevention; a Manual on incident command system during oil spill response; and Guidelines for oil spill response in fast currents.8 v" R/ E- T7 d# ^% e" ?
+ j7 q" Z; L2 e$ O4 A. x
The Committee is expected to approve the draft texts of two introductory IMO model courses on preparedness for and response to HNS pollution incidents in the marine environment, one aimed at the operational level and the second aimed at management level; the revised OPRC Train-the-Trainer course; and the draft text of a Guidance document on the identification and observation of spilled oil.
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