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[分享] 力值、硬度计量名词术语及定义

发表于 2007-1-22 11:47:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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目录4 c, v4 ~8 D6 i$ H7 W# [
1力基(标/校)准机 ( )
& S' S4 A2 D( [+ b7 p+ S7 k- A$ w1.1 力 ( Force) ( )) D% J2 i. ?' \. l! J
1.2 万有引力 (Universal gravitation) ( )& c( R5 E' M, G8 z! a
1.3 重力 (gravity) ( )
8 c  D- L1 y7 t% C1.4 弹性力 (elastica) ( )0 P2 U  E$ n* b8 [' W; F+ ]$ f
1.5 重力加速度 (gravity acceleration) ( )
; q7 s& s) @) q- n3 ?1.6 牛顿 (Newton) ( )$ }+ m9 O$ ]( w" F" x) Q
1.7 力标准机 (force standard machine) ( )3 v; u1 U/ b# _5 a" u
1.8 力基准机 (primary force standard machine) ( )4 B; n0 j# f8 s' m6 E
1.9 力校准机 (force calibration machine) ( )8 L0 o4 x. I- m4 A) P
1.10 静重式力标准机 (deadweight force standard machine - DWM) ( )) p0 J+ F' T7 A* |1 c- C
1.11 杠杆式力标准机 (lever-amplification force standard machine - LM) ( )
& ~8 X- \. G1 ?1 O; U' ~9 \1.12 液压式力标准机 (hydraulic-amplification force standard machine-HM) ( )  z0 Z" K; t+ [# h' o: N
1.13 叠加式力标准机 (build-up force standard machine-BM) ( )8 @6 j: u) J# ~$ L1 a% q
1.14 力比较机 (force comparator-FC) ( )
& M8 d( G8 u0 j- v  S# y2 e1.15 扭矩基准机 (primary standard torquer) ( )
' M8 Y# ]& j, Z3 D: g: \1.16 扭矩校准机 (torque calibration machine) ( ), w8 v5 _4 S+ I5 O" ?% y
1.17 静重式扭矩标准机 (deadweight torque standard machine - DTM) ( )  M! ]% j3 }" r' {8 P, A
1.18 杠杆式扭矩标准机 (lever-amplification torque standard machine - LTM) ( )
5 i8 ~) I) }& F5 P# p1.19 串接式扭矩标准机 (serial-connection torquer -SCT) ( ); G2 _" W/ K# e& M$ }7 H5 l( ]
1.20 测力式扭矩标准机 (torquer by mean of measuring force-TMF) ( )
* L; C9 u7 p: n' v- S8 c: z1.21 扭矩校准杠杆(torque-calibration lever) ( )
6 G9 R* l5 y, d8 Y; s" R1.22 摆锤式冲击标准机 (pendulum impact standard machine) ( )
) Q1 a0 P* N+ I& u1.23 摆锤式冲击基准机 (pendulum impact primary standard machine) ( )
8 K& [$ V/ `) _1.24 力值不确定度 (force uncertainty) ( )
# _7 ]! I% `- xPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com
/ N8 W# A7 O2 |& `3: W4 R9 x3 E; s! O. Y. G
1.25 力值重复性 (force repeatability) ( )' `* Z7 n. R- T5 l
1.26 力值示偏差(force indication deviation) ( )
% ~) ]# p/ l) j" C% J; J; C1.27 力值范围 (force range) ( )
$ i7 T! E$ L3 `0 I1.28 力级 (force step) ( )$ p; S! |! U2 }4 J/ x8 _
1.29 灵敏阈 (sensitivity threshold) ( )
" A& H4 G6 Z( F9 g1.30 寄生分量 (parasitic components) ( )' f7 O6 t0 C4 ~  c9 R
1.31 旋转效应 (rotation effect) ( )
. S. v) T  r4 O1.32 重叠效应 (overlapping effect) ( )
. v/ m3 y2 m2 q( \: u7 Y1.33 力值直线度 (linearity of force) ( )
* {; y9 u: e0 u  ]: {1.34 附加滞后 (additional hysteresis) ( )
! `" b. l/ Y5 s+ H# W- \1.35 递增负荷 (increasing force) ( )
  i6 p+ z# i) b1 ~! b1.36 递减负荷 (decreasing force) ( )
. t" j) f! y8 Z( ~1.37 逆负荷现象 (counter-force phenomenon) ( )- c! ]2 U+ L+ h" }
1.38 加荷时间 (period for loading) ( )
! y, g# L& d: v, `! H! U0 G; E1.39 加荷速率 (loading rate) ( )
8 F, x, m1 z7 f! Z6 w) C1.40 卸荷时间 (period for unloading) ( )
! k8 [% ~% k9 R9 J+ E+ u1.41 卸荷速率 (unloading rate) ( ); j4 b" O) F) p9 d4 |$ O
1.42 砝码 (weight) ( )6 ^# `, w- A  c9 W. p6 n  Z
1.43 机架 (fixed framework) ( )
: h# y5 f; X1 \1.44 负荷机架 (loading frame) ( )% [, t5 w" I7 b4 n2 v! t9 X
1.45 压力试台 (Platform for loading) ( ), ?9 B+ ^) q/ p( |2 N5 C4 ^
1.46 提升架 (lifting frame) ( )7 S! z4 ~8 c5 i% v- e; o
1.47 加荷横梁 (beam for loading) ( )1 x3 Y2 [! j0 w
1.48 压缩空间 (room for compression device) ( )  l' a: O, w( N- P
1.49 拉伸空间 (room for tension device) ( )8 i7 u, b: V* K( C. Q
1.50 反向器 (reverser) ( )9 k4 Y  F1 h6 U+ @: |+ h2 C$ \
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com' D1 q) {# n# U6 n$ i2 e5 @
( [4 e0 d9 w% h* X1.51 杠杆 (lever) ( )
1 L1 D, F1 x4 M5 b' u1.52 支点刀 (supporting-knife) ( ): g  L9 F- s; T& g# q
1.53 重点刀 (weight-knife) ( ). R! Q8 m  f2 ^/ q
1.54 力点刀 (force-knife) ( )& u+ E' ], S1 v  |' N* }5 w
1.54 杠杆有效长度 (effective length of lever) ( )
( W) V/ a' w4 q* W- z1.55 杠杆比 (Lever amplification-ratio) ( )  M) _8 H2 K( R" u1 w$ z+ b
1.56 直接加荷部分 (directly loading unit) ( )3 O( B9 N% y  |- y! D
1.57 负荷放大部分 (main unit) ( )
$ g4 ?+ \* v( N2 h' t& i  i  y& @& y1.58 比例活塞 (proportional piston) ( )
; s/ t6 ~( |6 N, s% V' \# L1.59 比例油缸 (proportional cylinder) ( )
! [8 ^7 e; S  L" v9 n7 D+ a1.60 加荷活塞 (loading piston) ( )
( B" i2 Q+ `2 P1.61 加荷油缸 (loading cylinder) ( )
/ b* }0 m. |8 S4 z1.62 放大比 (Amplification ratio) ( )
( _* T# W6 h1 H: G1 \( ^1.63 活塞有效面积 (effective cross-area of piston) ( )
" L; D& o! Q- T. K  F+ U' m5 b% ]1.64 油缸转速 (turn-speed of cylinder) ( )' G' X, ?! m; r0 e3 @3 m/ W' G0 F
1.65 油缸旋转线速度 (speed of cylinder) ( )1 m3 I; r2 q! g$ b, t0 h7 l) G
1.66 导向活塞 (guide-piston ( )5 u# H" L; Y5 ^5 r2 x
1.67 最大压力 (maximum pressure) ( )
0 ?- X" x6 g) e# L+ B$ a  C3 V1.68 负荷转换活塞 (piston for load relieving & pressure transmitting) ( )( m7 f1 v4 {" i
1.69 负荷转换油缸 (cylinder for load relieving & pressure transmitting) ( )
/ {' p9 ~# l: G) u1.70 同轴度 (coaxality) ( )* f) T. z! O7 Q" U
1.71 几何同轴度 (geometric coaxality) ( )9 S# h5 z/ c/ D+ ^- ?
1.72 受力同轴度 (coaxality with load) ( )
6 f+ y8 F  |  |5 P2 测力仪 ( )
( m8 }$ g' K* M& B$ U3 P* ^1 ^) |2.1 测力仪 (dynamometer) ( )! _) s1 X: z3 \4 k& _- J
2.2 标准测力仪 (standard dynamometer) ( )
' ^. v) j& {/ |PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com% f+ J0 o! d& P9 N0 v, o; _
* v- Z# D6 Z- a( y2.3 弹性体 (elastic element) ( )! o- ~6 `6 C1 T' {7 Z1 }( Q9 ]
2.4 变形测量装置 (indicator of deflection) ( )
& N; E; [. c& s3 h* [( i2.5 变形 (deformation) ( )' m4 V0 `& z$ Q6 L( l. q* d! T$ _
2.6 额定变形 (deflection under rated load) ( )
. o7 U9 B: p9 E( r1 R$ I2 S2.7 读数值 (reading) ( )
1 ^# v5 P. K4 h# ~2 i( g2.8 变形示值 (indication of deflection) ( )
" p( H( }. D. ~3 T7 S2.9 测力环 (proving ring) ( )5 R- x+ n4 S, p: m! b( a
2.10 压向测力仪 (compression dynamometer) ( )
0 |6 U* S/ Z6 N5 m# D2.11 拉向测力仪 (tension dynamometer) ( )3 l5 F) d, I8 a1 @3 I+ n
2.12 双向测力仪 (tension & compression dynamometer) ( )3 O. v8 m$ S$ Q7 _; D
2.13 负荷 (load) ( )" d* C6 G& l9 G
2.14 静负荷 (static load) ( )
3 B: J! g$ Z& `9 ^2.15 动负荷 (dynamic load) ( )
* K2 y4 q: v2 Y. K2.16 循环负荷 (cycle load) ( )
+ ~9 Q* o+ H  y7 _9 L) L2.17 随机负荷 (random load) ( )& O$ q$ ^; S& {  y" ]
2.18 冲击负荷 (impact load) ( )  ]9 d9 ~3 s: y5 M" I# D8 t
2.19 额定负荷 (rated load) ( ); i; g# |( A) c0 x8 y* C
2.20 最小负荷 (minimum load) ( )
- C( _# P3 T$ k* A, z' l% t2.21 负荷范围 (load range) ( )$ B3 R& @4 V5 U. v1 g1 [
2.22 预负荷 (preload) ( )  i3 q4 O% `2 }. V4 C8 d" L2 @
2.23 检定 (verification) ( )
4 h9 X3 X1 m( A2.24 定度 (calibration) ( )2 @! n% ^$ @: j: T  R
2.25 进程定度 (increasing calibration) ( )* W6 n+ n9 j+ W7 p& t
2.26 回程定度 (decreasing calibration) ( )2 A  V0 a4 H% H# Q: v+ x9 [
2.27 分度值 (division) ( ). g( f% U# J% B  _0 j/ K
2.28 重复性 (repeatability) ( )1 {3 b/ V. A' k7 ^" m
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com; o4 e/ P6 q2 d) J+ s
6) u8 z0 s! ^1 ]$ J
2.29 滞后 (hysteresis) ( )
+ F7 F' T# M7 x3 o% D7 |% C6 a2.30 稳定度 (Long-term stability) ( )
. E" H! f+ R! ?4 h2.31 温度修正系数 (coefficient for temperature correction) ( )
0 c* T7 E; g; `2.32 校准方程 (calibration equation) ( )
. u- V; ]7 {, V! @: ~3 T2.33 管形测力仪 (cylindric dynamometer) ( ): n( A& F  }, k9 O& h0 e2 q. k# z
2.34 扭矩仪 (torque-meter) ( )
( `2 H3 N* j+ `/ L0 n9 m* U* u2.35 标准扭矩仪 (standard torque-meter) ( )
$ q2 N! e& C- c  \' j4 a2.36 扭矩扳子 (Torque wrench) ( )
; N5 p0 Z8 b$ J7 [2.37 扭矩扳子检定/校准仪(Calibrator of torque wrench) ( ); y) |1 j9 W& D/ Q' G
2.38 扭矩改锥 (Torque driver) ( )
) s1 U4 J% x* y  G+ Y: T* b3 `2.39 扭矩改锥检定/校准仪(Calibrator of torque driver) ( )& V% ^5 b; I/ A& ^4 m. J' d3 h3 \
2.40 测功机(Machine measuring power) ( )
2 o7 Q+ T  p3 h! O* W/ a" s% d3 i2.41 摆锤式冲击机检定标准装置 (standard equipment for calibration of pendulum
. H9 ]  g$ ^8 f0 ^! c0 \  c0 w# dimpact machine)
4 c; Y7 R8 q" D0 y; {: s/ c+ V( )' J" Z- M) T+ |' g) J
2.42 标准冲击块 (standard impact blocks) ( )6 m: O8 D2 P; j& I# z$ X0 w
3 负荷传感器 ( )2 ^# t6 Z# ]( e; G; Y1 c
3.1 环境条件 (ambient conditions) ( )8 e" ~) @: w: d2 a: U
3.2 环境温度 (ambient temperature) ( )
; ~; `9 X0 H5 ]3 H4 o9 W: g3 q3.3 使用环境条件 (ambient condition,operating) ( )
: f2 x; y* i! ]' H! i9 G7 P: l3.4 室内条件 (room condition) ( )
& e2 i1 [. c2 h3.5 标准试验条件 (standard test condition) ( )+ }; [! W% v0 @- G  @/ v: h7 `
3.6 负荷传感器 (load cell) ( )
0 ^7 f3 ]7 |3 z, x" C& m# }6 @3.7 测力传感器 (Force transducer) ( )
+ u  E. k7 m" e7 j4 }5 ^  I3.9 扭矩传感器(Torque transducer) ( )! k; v0 v7 `/ v/ M
3.10 多分量传感器(Multi-component transducer) ( )6 e5 f; N: v% w" @5 @
3.11 参考传感器(组)(Reference transducer(s)) ( )2 K. u3 n& |& J9 F. D3 }; t% Q
3.12 多分量校准系统(Calibration system for multi-component transducer) ( )
0 _& b) _5 |  q5 D7 R7 j3.13 应变式负荷传感器 (strain gauge load cell) ( )" I1 R2 _4 q- e2 q  j. Y% R" h
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/ E! v9 Z# f- x5 f; J7
* }# J) C) Z. w3 J3.14 压电式负荷传感器 (piezoelectric load cell) ( )
- r3 g$ X9 O" y; X8 Z/ C' i3.15 压磁式负荷传感器 (magneto-elastic load cell) ( )' e% Z  n+ B. p; G0 `
3.16 电感式负荷传感器 (inductive load cell) ( ): o& ^; \. ^2 C
3.17 电容式负荷传感器 (capacitive load cell) ( )' x' V$ b1 ?& Z9 ^( H
3.18 压阻式负荷传感器 (piezoresistive load cell) ( )7 q* L# I/ E# m1 N
3.19 敏感元件 (sensing element) ( )
- x/ i2 M/ [. u3 {. G& a3.20 主轴线 (primary axis) ( )1 o* X2 t+ ~4 P2 g
3.21 轴向负荷 (axial load) ( )3 D3 q7 d0 l$ [' r* w
3.22 安全过负荷 (overload, safe) ( )% `" X9 W! u  ~% H9 m
3.23 极限过负荷 (0verload, ultimate) ( )
" G9 Y4 D( Y" V. N, F3.24 侧向负荷 (side load) ( )
4 U) r1 u0 S4 ]# K2 u/ t/ q3.25 偏心负荷 (eccentric load) ( )& Q" x* q# r' v  i
3.26 同心倾斜负荷 (angular load,concentric) ( )1 e3 b2 q5 U# p
3.27 偏心倾斜负荷 (angular load,eccentric) ( )
- c9 W' _( Y7 d" M8 B! W. y6 n0 p3.28 输出 (output) ( )/ h. `( @" K/ w
3.29 额定输出 (rated output) ( )- x! T0 N3 y6 b7 L+ }
3.30 零点输出 (zero output) ( ), ^7 ]5 R, B: r4 H4 o- L
3.31 过冲 (overshoot) ( )
& ]. }! z0 h7 ~% G, [3.32 校准 (calibration) ( )+ n5 E; B4 n$ z8 p" g% W" F: p6 A. K
3.33 静态校准 (static calibration) ( )6 ~4 j: E+ S, _' a$ ~3 `
3.34 校准曲线 (calibration curve) ( )2 A/ t$ w0 ]- C. ?+ Q
3.35 工作直线 (operating line) ( )
6 n; P, f+ ^4 }; u3 F/ h% C3.36 端点直线 (end-point line) ( )$ [& o; {; @. R9 w1 t
3.37 端点平移直线 (end-point line,translation) ( )5 I7 o% T5 S' \- y$ f+ Y% ^
3.38 最小二乘法直线 (least-squares line) ( )
+ d6 I; f0 i$ k3.39 灵敏度 (sensitivity) ( )! }0 ]6 ~/ v$ l0 v& z" e
3.40 灵敏度允差 (tolerance,sensitivity) ( )% A$ B+ [5 f) N1 x* A
3.41 不对称度 (un-symmetry) ( )
7 v9 L6 i2 }9 r3 m! \+ N0 ~3.42 直线度 (linearity) ( )
! N! E0 A' x. L- RPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com
2 T% _% c+ |) w) K1 Z8
3 k3 E3 ]5 @- Z, ]. c7 {* ^3.43 综合误差 (combined error) ( )
# I; Y0 V" r0 n  p3.44 蠕变 (creep) ( ): g. i$ ]8 P; p/ k8 f4 r# I
3.45 蠕变恢复 (creep recovery) ( )4 ?# p0 d' J2 x+ }& p1 R9 e
3.46 输入电阻 (input resistance) ( )+ E. V+ P- u* ]
3.47 输出电阻 (output resistance) ( )2 c, I# f' c* f1 w. A. b  N
3.48 绝缘电阻 (insulation resistance) ( )
- R' ?/ q" [; }5 z# V' m3 e3.49 激励 (excitation) ( )4 c5 J8 N. I. D' S5 U
3.50 最大激励 (maximum excitation) ( )
- i4 n+ v" ?% t2 z- p8 V8 X/ m( C3.51 补偿 (compensation) ( )
( I* i$ l5 V$ m* F! Q4 A9 B3.52 安全温度范围 (temperature range, safe) ( )
3 z6 C: j) S  L! Q/ f3.53 额定输出温度影响 (temperature effect on rated output) ( )
/ m* p+ f4 x7 K3.54 零点输出温度影响 (temperature effect on zero output) ( )
  C( m/ f; |; e3.55 温度补偿范围 (Temperature range,compensation) ( )
" ^& c) i5 N. x/ [6 J/ F$ b3.56 预热时间 (warm-up period) ( ); \# d* ^. J& d1 I7 d8 V) I  f
3.57 稳定时间 (stabilization period) ( )1 Q+ |" J0 u- L% R/ \; w6 O: f7 f
3.58 额定输出环境影响 (span instability) ( )
6 M. F; _9 d4 L* ?3.59 漂移 (drift) ( )  _) m" I! ~& l: `/ F* m
3.60 灵敏度漂移 (sensitivity drift) ( )" L) D& M$ Z! t5 t; j$ ?
3.61 零点漂移 (zero drift) ( )' ~- k; v  j. s6 w7 D1 E
3.62 零点永久漂移 (Zero drift,permanent) ( )# e+ g- i$ s/ v8 P, }
3.63 零点恢复 (zero return) ( )
! v( ~# y3 i1 [/ w" v* w3.64 零点环境影响 (zero instability) ( )
5 ?0 _0 I7 j& M$ x4 }. {1 F2 O3.65 零点移动 (zero float) ( )
9 o# M- V) z" H$ S, U8 @, [( W7 e( B1 t3.66 使用寿命 (Life,operating) ( )
, Z3 g; {* z0 H2 g7 Y3.67 循环寿命 (Life,cycling) ( )
$ j7 t3 R  D7 V) M# w4 v7 z3 h3.68 固有频率 (natural frequency) ( )
! T( y6 A/ A" J  ^0 L! N7 {3.69 动态特性 (dynamic characteristics) ( )
  m# L' d: C) f# x3.70 频率响应 (frequency response) ( )


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