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[分享] 各国对六种有害物质限值

发表于 2007-1-19 09:40:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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一、   镉的法规要求:
: H3 Y$ i+ C9 M4 M% B% K% m2 W" B: ?9 u  d& ?$ |/ J9 z
⒈ 欧盟:
* X0 c6 Z0 V# D, e+ [0 y2 {* h8 ^' I! |/ r
ROHS,91/338/EEC,94/62/EC,76/769/EEC Limit=100ppm
7 B# |* x4 Q- [* z' \* O; i
0 R+ d( @7 V0 B: J. n; u& A瑞典:Limit=75ppm(mg/Kg)
% y4 g$ d, i& X! ~' ~4 Z- H! Y, v# e4 ^$ }+ T7 `% Z! L4 B) p7 T+ O
3 X# d" \+ X: i) B6 r
: o( D& G# P# W0 m( _瑞士:Limit=100ppm(mg/Kg)
8 b) N4 o5 m- j4 @- I  \) {5 Q$ b7 V& w$ N
荷兰:Limit=100ppm(mg/Kg)8 a5 _6 X9 Z' k! o; k
* a  k+ O$ ~" r
⒉ ROHS豁免项:除了91/338/EEC禁止使用的产品除外,生产设备、机器等产品的电镀镉可以豁免。: z1 i) v/ Z( m; {4 I9 ^) {
/ _$ r/ }) L1 y- U
二、   铅的法规要求:
4 s2 n& L' ]7 |9 K  ^, Q7 e9 q3 @8 r: m* c6 b3 P
⒈ 欧盟:6 B3 p* x6 y8 K% j5 [7 h! h: }

, N$ \% z+ D( o0 N- O76/769/EEC,89/677/EEC:禁止使用- T1 Z; C+ P4 G7 l' l% o, Q; ]
3 l, p/ {+ J! @6 t3 _1 @
' }0 _1 P* s& o3 T4 x$ D
+ h4 a( P; Z9 }ROHS:<1000ppm$ y: Q6 M! H; {* C7 V4 F  x

' B+ A8 \" Y( m4 A⒉ ROHS豁免项:
9 T1 y! q* C: _. `) H
9 J/ n" H6 b. B3 n  r; v玻璃:如荧光管etc.) X) r  a" H6 Y
1 Q5 ~4 n% P' L" g
合金:钢合金中铅含量<0.35%(3500ppm);0 b  w7 ]5 u8 e. B3 V+ C

; C. N: J# c7 ^) F' X! g玻璃:如荧光管etc.
/ p. c& o& _, R- X! m7 n& g' n5 P8 t
合金:钢合金中铅含量<0.35%(3500ppm);8 |/ @, e) r4 B  }; Y! p* }) M

0 ?4 U- ]* D/ B( {+ `铝中铅含量<0.4%(4000ppm);
; q0 K1 L( F: O4 l+ C
: b- g0 Q. t9 z# j) o铜合金中铅含量<4%(40000ppm)
9 u- H' m4 G+ i0 Q; U" h$ [2 c: Q. p
# R  @2 Y# ^* m7 [  D- O0 Z6 P$ _" o) A; ~6 v3 V) D3 U: f
( x! E* B3 X1 W& A# Y4 N  @8 l" g" N$ a: T- Y
用于交换、信号和传输,以及电信网络管理的网络基础设施设备中焊料中的铅;' r0 i/ m" E! x

; |( H& O# C( v4 d电子陶瓷产品中的铅如压电陶瓷。
- W, ?' O1 A' D8 c
7 U: _& l/ P8 Q⒊ ROHS豁免听证项:
- P% V2 I5 a1 F. n
+ B* y: {0 `7 X7 R* A! s光学玻璃及护目镜可以使用铅及镉;
1 r% z; C. ?' I. k9 ^
9 I& Q- K: ?2 `两个以上焊接口之微处理器封装跟其针头,可使用铅占85%比重的锡铅焊料,唯其期限到2010年;
9 |, |' l  X* j# @6 \( `+ N% J
5 L! x9 l$ @( v' ?( K溶解度较高的含铅焊料(如锡铅焊合金有85%的铅)及任何需要低温焊接以完成电力接驳的焊料。
2 i6 r/ v$ y+ B+ d( i/ p8 A% Z3 R5 `
三、   汞的法规要求:& p) R5 @3 ]4 Q4 V( d$ h

  l4 O1 H( ~% R! A! B⒈ 欧盟:
2 q- i3 f# ~) a: D2 q; L/ l1 f3 Q  [/ p0 t2 a' y% C
76/769/EEC,89/677/EEC:禁止使用;$ n1 Y, X, _8 L7 y8 c' m2 C* }. ?

& S. [& l! f! M. j94/62/EC:<100ppm;
0 |; v. k" Z2 g7 o8 P$ m% i7 d
( m& C' Y$ Z& N+ ^( ^! \: bROHS:<1000ppm。
  w; B7 j' ?) B3 k) j1 b7 D4 {. o; ~, z# D6 f6 p7 [& g5 ~
⒉ ROHS豁免项:
) s( {( I& ~" d9 F
/ @9 [5 Q& @- Y& b- U, T5 S荧光灯及灯具。1 y; F) {) q* m0 N; T7 ~, Z5 S" o

6 p: ^: Y' u4 l5 c2 ?; N四、   六价铬的法规要求:7 N$ b2 B) h; ~7 O' r) e) p
- v+ Z+ g* |$ h% ?( D( [' W
  ⒈ 欧盟:" [  \( |' Q0 h/ e3 l+ ?( i; O& G
+ P( x* o. R$ G, x' l* {
76/769/EEC:禁止使用;; g( Z$ @+ z2 ]. U/ J% l1 F9 Y

7 Y1 D" I( ~, V0 k94/62/EC:<100ppm;; }" K& b2 \: B) W+ b1 e
- [) m% @" Z% k  C+ E# |6 A
ROHS:<1000ppm。; q, h% @5 a* A1 r" ]4 u& }2 }  b' d
1 \9 @$ P( T/ A7 y4 \) a& q( I
1999/179/EEC,2002/EEC:<10ppm4 O% @% w% F+ N# }' N& }8 ]3 k
0 N0 Y* d5 I) B, [& g
⒉ ROHS豁免项:
( Z3 v0 S, I, X1 z
% F: K' X9 ?; n3 A碳钢中的防腐剂,电冰箱制冷剂中的防腐剂。
; h0 U, q2 F0 P+ N6 |% o$ E; w$ b/ W, Y0 ^0 V0 b' S3 v& D
⒊ 六价铬的注意点:对金属件及其电镀件样品,测试的是样品表面的六价铬,因此其浓度计算方法有两种。
; I! i) F$ r% ]! k7 o4 Z% [9 U0 m# S8 o+ S  d4 E* m8 o4 @  f' Y% F
按照JIS H8625标准,计算单位面积含量。取约100cm2样品测试;该方法要求>10ug/100cm2
4 J. e8 R( Q% ?$ R; v0 u! Y: R
* H0 B' n* y9 q, g' K# ?2 @0 e2 e
& M; Z; x% x/ F9 ^, g6 T7 g五、   溴化阻燃剂的法规要求:
. c! x2 e1 U1 o. Z" V7 E* d. x
# F1 U% a0 G9 N- E* F+ L9 P⒈ 溴化阻燃剂包括:多溴联苯(PBBS) ;多溴联苯醚(PBDES,PBBES,PBDOS。)
* L  a0 l% t, X; E% \4 b
" R& e: _) j5 N  T  c- ?2 e" h0 m" t( x⒉ 应用范围:印刷电路板,塑料及涂层中耐燃剂,电线电缆,树脂类电子元件。5 e5 `5 ]% ?7 v% O

" Y0 }2 }5 A- Y' ~⒊ 欧盟国家:7 L' U2 o" x* H

7 h1 ]* W4 a( W% `4 tROHS:<1000ppm;9 i; F, E( v/ \1 g6 L3 P
% j$ [7 @; i1 ]7 U$ F* j
76/769/EEC,83/264/ EEC:禁止使用;
/ V- W: E8 B8 f5 P2 U7 j! X7 u( A' n3 x& A8 w3 Z0 I
发表于 2007-1-22 10:10:06 | 显示全部楼层
RoHS 豁免条令总结(2006-11-01); |8 |* N" _9 P( M" {& S
% `8 ?# n  f9 B' I- ^0 n0 c2002/95/EC
( i3 k/ z5 r2 R% f" L8 L! g. l1. Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps not exceeding 5 mg per lamp.( Y2 `) i- z2 i1 J5 U% i
小型日光灯中的汞含量不得超过5毫克/灯;) n+ M* M% B9 }# K3 i' H% |
2. Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for general purposes not exceeding:
, ^4 F  c: K! {' W( s一般用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量不得超过: Halophosphate—10 mg 盐磷酸盐—10毫克;
# z1 F  q/ K$ K7 ^Triphosphate with normal lifetime—5 mg 一般灯管中的三磷酸盐—5毫克;1 Z# l1 W. X3 I2 Z
Triphosphate with long lifetime—8 mg 超长寿命灯管中的三磷酸盐—8毫克;
/ g+ ~2 W/ Y5 k  T3. Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes.
$ o/ m  g  P9 i% \% a5 x0 E特殊用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量;7 T, f: @1 E4 A. s# i9 c5 k
4. Mercury in other lamps not specifically mentioned in the Annex.
0 ^/ U1 P+ v$ n8 f4 d本附录中未特别提及的其它照明灯中的汞含量;
  A0 K1 U: D. _7 ]5. Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electronic components and fluorescent tubes.
7 m  T  R: t6 [9 G& X6 H1 }阴极射线管、电子部件和发光管的玻璃内的铅含量;- r6 _( O7 f3 D# D4 g# T) T& n
6. Lead as an alloying element in steel contaiing up to 0.35% lead by weight, aluminum containing up to 0.4% lead by weight and as a copper alloy contaiing up to 4% lead by weight.
, l1 s3 `6 o$ C! i  @铅作为合金元素在钢合金中达0.35%,铝合金中达0.4%和铜合金中达4%;
' c' [( g2 _% _% F* f7. Lead in high melting temperature type solders (ie: tin-lead solders alloys containing more than 85% lead),% ], f& A4 u4 |2 |' D. `* ^8 K6 e
6 d5 {" a- n/ _& [# hlead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems (exemption granted until 2010),: v# s/ B. ~( f- J* z
9 v) ^" N/ Z: u5 Z2 O$ Z9 M" Dlead in solders for network infrastructure equipment for switching, signalling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunication, 岛津(广州)检测技术有限公司4 w9 k+ P! J! G+ E* i9 s3 W4 z8 @
' p, d0 _2 t1 H( W  f4 I用于通讯网络设备、电闸、信号发送和电送网络基础设备焊料中的铅;
/ t$ E1 f% n/ K$ \2 l7 M  bLead in electronic ceramic parts (e.g. piezoelectronic devices).% o4 L" t3 d% S* _9 }6 K
9 {; K1 G# L8 p$ o3 W9 k( n4 ^8. Cadmium plating except for applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC (OJ No. L 186, 12 July 1991, p. 59) amending Directive 76/769/EEC (OJ No. L262, 27 September 1976, p. 201) relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations.1 N8 m6 G" u7 L+ O+ v6 N5 C
& h- B/ J6 _- a" z% @( r9. Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion of the carbon steel cooling% T  a* |, i- {
system in absorption refrigerators.
0 X5 r! R0 H9 h9 i" \/ L' [在吸收式电冰箱中作为碳钢冷却系统防腐剂的六价铬;- {/ ~$ O* R/ u6 a1 U
10. Within the procedure referred to in Article 7(2), the Commission shall evaluate the applications for:
9 d+ W; [. ?% ~7 @8 D根据在第7(2)条中提及的程序,欧盟委员会应评价以下方面的应用:0 x% l. [7 f4 a5 G1 G9 q
Deca BDE, 十溴二苯醚
0 I" Y, y4 W7 ^6 \% t1 O# mmercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes,
0 D1 \4 I+ `5 Y( V7 O% k特殊用途的直管日光灯中的汞;$ G1 W* j$ y# I  R5 I. o* N  M) }4 m
lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment for switching, signalling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunications (with a view to setting a specific time limit for this exemption), and4 w3 H3 m& a/ [0 f$ ]4 k* |
以下用途中所使用的焊料中的铅:服务器、存储器和存储阵列系统、用于通讯网络设备、电闸、信号发送和电送网络基础设备(旨在设定本指令豁免部分的特定截止时间);' S( z# ]# S2 ~9 w3 \
light bulbs. 灯泡。
) m8 g5 T! V3 @/ {岛津(广州)检测技术有限公司
; u9 T+ _) p; h  M2005/717/EC
# l* a! Y- N8 [- A/ H' N- ]9a. Deca BDE in polymeric applications.
6 s+ O# ?$ ]+ U6 j0 c/ q  n/ r十溴二苯醚在聚合物中的使用
6 P/ o; r" |/ L9 d9 e4 Z* A$ V9b. Lead in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes.- _, z5 {# L: g, t/ H# G( b6 I
青铜轴承外壳和衬套中的铅7 W. t& L, R5 c
2005/747/EC/ W0 a' K9 E: e2 c- f
7. Lead in high melting temperature type solders (ie: lead-based alloys containing more than 85% lead), (对2002/95/EC的修改)  U2 H. L" c/ F( j- i! z/ ?
8 z& T/ n$ }& U; N' clead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems,network infrastructure equipment for switching, signalling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunication. (对2002/95/EC的修改), f# I. Q. T1 V% S
2 C' R# s9 ]  e5 Y7 k- s* k% {; i7 y8. Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts and cadmium plating
9 ^) ?, [' l3 Z7 J  C% dexcept for applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC (OJ No. L 186, 12 July 1991, p. 59) amending Directive 76/769/EEC (OJ No. L262, 27 September 1976, p. 201) relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations. (对2002/95/EC的修改)
& g( u: U, }5 g& m1 f! N电触头中镉及镉化合物的应用,以及根据修改关于限制特定危险物质和预制品销售和使用的第76/769/EEC号指令的第91/338/EEC号指令禁止以外的镉电镀;
& ?4 Q7 K  [  R8 }& I8 T11. Lead used in compliant pin connector systems.5 P8 r) {, d* N0 @9 ^8 j! [
连接器系统顺应针中使用的铅;3 O; B  x9 c3 f/ |. @$ v
12. Lead as a coating material for the thermal conduction module c-ring.
' x* n" f# w4 M$ o4 E9 K+ AC型环导热模块涂层材料中的铅;
4 U2 i( v/ b8 `( b13. Lead and cadmium in optical and filter glass.
( e% ~9 W2 ~8 x( _) Q/ P) [光学玻璃及滤光玻璃中所用的铅及镉;: n+ F2 P  ~4 N# t/ w
14. Lead in solders consisting of more than two elements for the connection between 岛津(广州)检测技术有限公司
# y  T# ?! ~$ y% M# a; QSHIMADZU (GUANGZHOU) ANALYTIC&TECHNOLOGY SERVICE CO., LTD.3 e7 O- `' l8 J+ Z+ a/ m$ c
the pins and the package of microprocessors with a lead content of more than 80 % and less than 85 % by weight.
7 h: T' G4 k( L3 e8 s! z用以连接插脚和微处理器封装的复合焊料(两个元素以上)中的铅,并且铅的浓度在80-85%之间;. e+ q2 b1 g- T
15. Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die and carrier within integrated circuit Flip Chip packages.- R: V- x( w5 y# M& c3 }3 H7 @
4 _: r0 H( ?, r& w: f2006/310/EC
7 B: }; U+ G$ [& u  [! h16. Lead in linear incandescent lamps with silicate coated tubes.3 i3 g6 [% z* o2 z3 G% x5 [7 N
线形白炽灯硅酸盐涂层灯管中的铅;) t$ ^- }7 k4 w2 @: V
17. Lead halide as radiant agent in High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps used for professional reprography applications.& Z  h9 j6 u8 S  j8 T
在专业复印应用的高强度气体放电灯(HID)中作为发光介质的卤化铅1 v$ n5 ~2 e. m- J: B) k4 a( s# e
18. Lead as activator in the fluorescent powder (1 % lead by weight or less) of discharge lamps when used as sun tanning lamps containing phosphors such as BSP (BaSi2O5b) as well as when used as speciality lamps for diazo-printing reprography, lithography, insect traps, photochemical and curing processes containing phosphors such as SMS ((Sr,Ba)2MgSi2O7:Pb).. {  c$ p. o$ V4 v' A, P0 E
当放电灯作为含磷(如BSP(BaSi2O5:Pb))的仿日晒灯,或作为含磷(如SMS((Sr,Ba)2MgSi2O7:Pb))的重氮复印、平版印刷、捕虫器、光化学和食品加工过程的专用灯时,放电灯荧光粉中作为触媒剂的铅含量在1%或以下;$ l4 z9 p0 M! j: h. p2 x, D
19. Lead with PbBiSn-Hg and PbInSn-Hg in specific compositions as main amalgam and with PbSn-Hg as auxiliary amalgam in very compact Energy Saving Lamps (ESL)." D" n& \- a0 D- y6 Z. k- p
紧凑型节能灯中作为特定成分PbBiSn-Hg 和 PbInSn-Hg为主要汞齐合金以及 PbSn-Hg为辅助汞齐合金中的铅;3 c/ i6 _% w* \# r' T
20. Lead oxide in glass used for bonding front and rear substrates of flat fluorescent lamps used for Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD).
9 Q2 S' g* I7 ^液晶显示器中用于连接平面荧光灯前后基质的玻璃中的氧化铅; 岛津(广州)检测技术有限公司
8 W9 t1 l, T# u8 i3 I/ l21. Lead and cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on borosilicate glass.
3 P3 L* X) ^2 K, w% u. [0 X硼硅酸盐玻璃表面瓷釉上印刷油墨中的铅与镉;
2 }6 S' j  \. ~. y9 v22. Lead as impurity in RIG (rare earth iron garnet) Faraday rotators used for fibre optic communications systems.3 [1 l* ^; T+ J. l4 P* a
光纤通讯系统稀土铁石榴石法拉第旋转器中作为杂质的铅;. C9 n+ b/ \8 t" x2 U
23. Lead in finishes of fine pitch components other than connectors with a pitch of 0.65 mm or less with NiFe lead frames and lead in finishes of fine pitch components other than connectors with a pitch of 0.65 mm or less with copper lead frames.  n; K% h0 {& E# u* C! p$ c4 p
小螺距零部件表面抛光中的铅(螺距超过0.65mm的连接器中的铅、没有镍铁铅框连接器中的铅、没有铜铅框连接器中的铅不在豁免范围内);3 |1 R9 ~! c% s/ f/ C, H) ?
24. Lead in solders for the soldering to machined through hole discoidal and planar array ceramic multilayer capacitors.
/ F" M' c: r! w1 @/ t通孔盘状及平面阵列陶瓷多层电容器焊料所含的铅;  j$ l& o! u+ r) w/ {
25. Lead oxide in plasma display panels (PDP) and surface conduction electron emitter displays (SED) used in structural elements; notably in the front and rear glass dielectric layer, the bus electrode, the black stripe, the address electrode,
5 o; d5 U+ D4 S' v9 ]" Othe barrier ribs, the seal frit and frit ring as well as in print pastes.
* H) q9 }* u9 i3 l9 o等离子显示屏(PDP)及表面传导式电子发射显示器(SED)的构件所用的氧化铅,比如:玻璃前后介电层、汇流电极、黑条纺(用于彩色显象管)、地址电极、障壁(阻隔壁)、密封釉料、环状釉料以及印墨中的氧化铅;
& k4 I2 M3 Z: O+ i2 H/ q4 K7 G- K9 F26. Lead oxide in the glass envelope of Black Light Blue (BLB) lamps., w' e0 k3 U9 z3 m" n% |9 ?: q: c
$ I2 c( v6 O  ~& w6 W27. Lead alloys as solder for transducers used in high-powered (designated to operate for several hours at acoustic power levels of 125 dB SPL and above) loudspeakers.
4 }1 R1 A: q# n' t# v4 m用作高性能(长时间在125分贝或以上)扬声器的传感器中焊料的铅合金;" H9 B  p+ c. `
岛津(广州)检测技术有限公司1 m; ]9 N, A+ l4 Y. n% S
28. Hexavalent chromium in corrosion preventive coatings of unpainted metal sheetings and fasteners used for corrosion protection and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding in equipment falling under category three of Directive
& h" P+ D$ }' ^8 v0 M% }2 L2002/96/EC (IT and telecommunications equipment). Exemption granted until 1 July 2007.
2 Z  ]) J: E$ j, E- h% K. O. p; @在2002/96/EC指令第三条中规定IT及电信设备中,为了防腐蚀及电磁干扰屏蔽的用于没有上涂料的金属板和按钮上防腐蚀性保护层中的六价铬,准予豁免的截止日期为2007年7月1日;+ L1 w1 t8 C( {' \& d7 A
29. Lead bound in crystal glass as defined in Annex I (Categories 1, 2, 3 and 4) of Council Directive 69/493/EEC (OJ L 326, 29.12.1969, p. 36. Directive as last amended by 2003 Act of Accession.)# l4 U: v, j1 w. G  q* h* O4 N; v


参与人数 1三维币 +5 收起 理由
wanglinyou + 5 好资料


发表于 2007-1-23 18:41:23 | 显示全部楼层
- ~# \7 B  I0 s" c, C$ z有直接一点的吗
发表于 2007-1-24 08:59:51 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lingyun759 于 2007-1-23 18:41 发表
7 X9 m) u5 z8 X2 Y这么深奥啊!!这是很费解啊, p" u4 @/ m. R& @" Q, M! ^: U+ b' ~
) s" `9 A  C, _

! C1 \1 Z3 P% J2 j2 V很深奥吗? 我也很费解!!
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