
楼主 |
发表于 2008-2-28 00:44:24
crystalline calcium carbonate; Iceland spar % ?6 t1 J) l; r! Z; Q- r
沉淀碳酸钙;轻质碳酸钙 precipitated calcium carbonate
0 y6 Y2 @1 \; k- }! |. c白云石;碳酸钙镁 ' Z& Z+ Z/ S- X. q8 z/ [- s% T2 `
dolomite; calcium magnesium carbonate , c3 V% j* N0 f3 J
瓷(粘)土;天然水合高岭土 ( ?7 o1 J! \" ~, ~/ a5 i) ?
china clay; natural hydrated kaolin k9 ?5 o/ z, X. p5 ^$ o
滑石粉 talc powder
% H7 y7 B8 k3 b2 S5 |云母 mica* u( E6 A* B% X5 n
天然二氧化硅;石英粉 natural silica+ p: l; k8 a! J4 x
硅藻土 kieselguhr5 m0 D, K- y" Q' A" `
合成硅酸钙 synthetic calcium silicate. [) m: O/ n0 a% o2 f+ Q
合成二氧化硅 synthetic silica
, c5 W2 @7 S3 n石棉 asbestos& z" n$ E7 E' I4 T
色调 hue
% m& P4 Q. ^% d明度 lightness2 Q+ d( {1 z8 O0 o- V7 r
饱和度 saturation
, a8 z Y, u; R' V5 M& e) ^6 ]颜色匹配 colour matching
4 O- p6 \0 v9 q$ Z# y; _7 `1 S6 d互补色 complementary colour
4 \0 G. z, }8 ]/ v6 U7 W( V) d! A色差 colour difference
% w/ J4 w) q; {; S原色 primary colour
0 o) `/ O& J, \5 `* J底色 undertone
. `0 s8 {0 a# i* [" T: _9 G" H主色;本色 mass-tone; mass-colour( r b: E$ s. S/ I
着色力 tinting strength
: b- x, a, u7 I6 o8 x0 e消色力 lightening power0 Y3 \( E3 Q4 N0 z( ?# f; L: z. V% A6 e
颜料密度 density of pigment5 b# R N# N4 Q v$ m( k: t
水溶物 matter soluble in water" ], r. Z q5 _5 c% s
装填体积 tamped volume
& d' [. |) d2 [/ x5 E吸油量 oil absorption volume
- J6 T' G! l' p4 F3 L; p6 n# P筛余物 residue on sieve' @' Z( _0 w [& v
筛分粒度级 sieve fraction( q% h2 `0 h& \. y% ^8 l
絮凝 flocculation
: q y% ]) D9 M$ o' [9 ^% Q分散性 dispersibility$ L- k7 h# {7 w( w
易分散程度 ease of dispersion
1 s1 e1 V5 s$ w e( c% S挥发物 volatile matter of pigment1 ?. Q/ N, B9 {& D0 i) ]
耐光性 light fastness' u$ {* N3 l5 u; L( f" n5 r8 k
耐热性 heat resistance' B4 i1 l) `3 A6 c
耐化学(药品)性 resistance to chemicals0 N3 u/ {: i& b7 W0 a* A) d
遮盖力 hiding power3 T. I4 P8 e( v
渗色 bleeding2 c( B1 g! G- A: [, Z
铜光 bronzing
' I, B3 w: C: A4 |# e l; s& N6 E; n水面覆盖力; water-covering capacity;9 j7 p4 G! M# f
叶展性 leafing
6 {0 I6 Z6 n' i6 k4 l6 {2 ]$ L" U酸度;碱度 acidity; alkalinity
" T7 k0 m6 p2 @" {7 U润湿 wetting
) \/ ]! B) b! {表面处理 surface treatment1 J1 } D+ u) D# n# d% s. S3 E
涂料及涂膜物化性能术语 ; O2 }4 \( v5 M/ t9 T/ r
透明度 transparency' h9 S7 u% z# M9 C3 E; n6 i+ @2 r
透明液体的颜色 colour of clear liquids
$ n/ u: l# W6 f3 Y# R密度 density
1 e( t' y4 k0 e6 j- h+ _# `粘度 viscosity" S) V1 D6 y" M* x4 u
动力粘度 dynamic viscosity
! U4 x: o0 f# \5 h$ P8 `运动粘度 kinematic viscosity9 O7 _3 H# I! g' K$ c% H$ C% k
流出时间 flow time
; Y4 D8 p& s) G* m7 M' S# [; H9 q流变性 rheologic property
7 q4 P' G! `# i触变性 thixotropy
! _/ M' Z+ { q9 o( n- {6 c闪点 flashpoint3 _$ w8 K+ U/ k1 m2 X
酸值 acid value0 O0 J+ O, @, f% T* U& ?. s
羟(基)值 hydroxyl value
8 T9 P/ ^, f* U皂化值 saponification value/ j, P, p9 W3 \; K r2 m7 E
胶凝数 lacquer thinner gelling number) t9 X$ ?8 N% S; v
挥[蒸]发率 evaporation rate; volatility
. \! _4 y% D# j研磨细度 fineness of grind
. j9 _( A# ]; ]9 N! m不挥发物含量;固体含量 $ {0 l, Z; S2 b3 w! x
non-volatile matter content; solids content
" B- w/ b/ p2 \; d5 q涂料水分 water content of coating
( d- J. h: c3 ]- G3 F耐冻融性 ash content of coating
+ j" M' t% p; G3 U2 E容器中状态 freeze-thaw resistance
! H: t/ {8 r0 ?5 S2 b贮存稳定性 storage stability, H" k, ?+ B3 s4 {% ^
相容性(产品之间) compatibility (of products)
& a% [% Z: X8 R. B, L, t1 E适应性(产品与底材之间) . i+ `) o" w- X$ v# P6 `$ ]
compatibility (of a product with the substrate) - p/ Y7 b3 t" F* F
遮盖力;不透明度 hiding power; opacity
: y8 i7 B3 Y1 s2 a: y: _" d对比率 contrast ratio% q# {- m. y; H2 p3 _
表(面)干(燥)时间 surface drying time
% i' g- A d/ x& e+ z. ~8 @实(际)干(燥)时间 hard drying time7 h% T3 O- _4 d# _8 I
施工性 application property
6 X" {( k8 u8 S, l5 U* F, r8 o/ V& b; p刷涂性 brushability, Q! S q4 c: P9 R
流平性 leveling; flow
/ X. r% u$ A4 k6 Q. D# ]8 W+ q重涂性 recoatability% K/ @& q/ H7 t! ]. x6 o \
防白性 blush resistance
/ Z( z6 r8 e$ h+ I/ e6 \( ~& M漆膜厚度 film thickness; l a, b: s, A Z
老化;熟化 ageing
: ]$ ?$ D1 C* L4 f; M3 R3 Y8 T光泽 gloss
2 B, k$ I& k# S. ] u6 y7 i平光[糙面]光泽 sheen& q. [6 t6 z1 ~" ~2 ]7 b
附着力 adhesion
- S+ C% W: Y# r. w4 l6 {: R' w8 }& E/ i内聚力 cohesion
) P+ F! q1 B" |' J硬度 hardness
4 \) i4 B) u' T" O. b柔韧性 flexibility
5 p5 @% p. f' {抗冲击性 impact resistance: d/ J1 h' v, M* g
抗张[拉]强度 tensile strenth S: q. T) w& ]( o; W; w7 v
伸长率 elongation
- t" D, \+ P1 |耐磨性 abrasion resistance
% p$ h1 r2 K6 z: N, p打磨性 rubbing property
$ F; p( _9 n" X7 b6 A/ I+ `% P V磨[抛]光性 polishability; @( _" e7 p) a
耐水性 water resistance
3 h: C# h: l9 p# D耐洗涤剂性 detergent resistance
' n) o; M1 ~( e& f耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance6 i3 m7 o; N$ x2 }
耐化学药品性 chemical resistance: K. A+ M7 u/ g( z" u
耐酸性 acid resistance
* J% A9 M( F* T, ^4 \/ R4 {耐碱性 alkali resistance% N2 d! z( H# W5 I- ^0 o* n( K7 M
耐溶剂性 solvent resistance
( i1 m O& S- N: U' f" a. t+ ?耐润滑油性 lubricating-oil resistance( Z2 n4 s9 l+ `& _
耐汽油性 gasoline resistance7 h+ H. J% \: e/ Z, P; O
抗污气性 gas checking resistance
; v5 Y- h9 k/ p* y- V. @) h. R: W耐盐水性 salt water resistance* h& H8 ?5 @. {$ I: W6 i2 M+ ~
耐盐雾性 salt spray [fog] resistance
2 D' _) | i4 F, ?% ]防霉性 fungus [mold] resistance
, Y, y a i2 h" \8 y耐湿热性 resistance to heat and humidity
9 Y. u# [/ J5 z8 Q耐候性 weathering resisitance6 n* n; P7 P6 n$ S
天然老化 natural weathering7 a+ {% _& P0 M/ H# v; M
人工老化 artificial weathering. ~9 F3 P2 l6 F; R& s% c+ p2 S: Y
抗粉化性 chalking resisitance, U+ |: }2 L% ]! P* k% f7 `
耐光性 light fastness; light resistance
( ~, q1 E( I- X3 S. U0 l# H9 k( ]保光性 gloss retention" @5 s9 O+ k0 o! V- |( H; f) `- W
保色性 colour retention
3 T8 S5 R+ {! e$ Z- H6 k黄变;泛黄 yellowing
i; H) y' z" X& y. D2 B热稳定性 heat stability
5 E5 F5 y7 o' I. v耐寒性 cold resistance2 O) }$ [0 y- P+ q
耐温变性 temperature change resistance
! T$ r$ G9 a$ U* s- P; N3 d Z# y! {) j, _耐湿性 moisture resistance
8 C; L& u* O" q$ _& L耐干湿交替性 humid-dry cycling resisitance! O# I5 ]9 s G* K w: [" L# ?+ e
水气透过性 water vapoiur transmission
1 d T; }- W N- @* e$ n. ]- W水气透过(速)率 water vapour transmission rate; w9 l2 t' b) h6 E. \
耐硝基(漆)性 nitrocellulose lacquer resistance4 P( R! [+ B; p. h: M( |" b5 H
! i! z+ `8 D c: b耐燃性 flame resistance
1 S( L! \7 H! x7 @6 `) P抗辐射性 radiation resisitance* I5 Y, \8 v* ~8 O; A
抗放射污染性 anti-radioactive contamination0 V0 P: s7 q7 r2 V; \
可剥性 strippable property
/ b' y2 Q" c! s! z7 n( n/ n( U耐海水性 seawater resistance( K1 s" L0 O8 _& e7 w
防污性 anti-fouling property
# n3 D9 ?9 m; \8 F) l渗出[毒]率 leaching rate
+ e/ E4 L2 m) _9 {9 ~* y8 O防滑性 skid resistance
- }6 b; I) b7 b, K可洗性 washability
0 s& ?/ N# D: u% |% {7 U! D耐擦洗[洗刷]性 scrab resistance
$ {# p: K3 ~+ f. F: Y6 R电绝缘性 insulating property- ]9 y0 o1 [& u
击穿电压 breakdown voltage+ n7 p5 q v% Z: B" k8 |* O
电气[介电]强度 electrical strength;) B# [- u# ^# ]" q9 N3 K
dielectrical strength
5 q" ?0 `" m3 C4 y$ B2 f# l介质损耗[失]角正切 dielectric loss tangent
, c7 ~' } U, a& ?1 m9 @* P表面电阻 surface resistance# r& I% x) I. d* I% U
体积电阻 volume resistance
. N& z2 \* y9 L8 C" L8 E绝缘电阻 insulation resistance
/ K1 D; h. G2 M) W8 S. U表面电阻率 surface resistivity
5 J+ p% ?7 }/ D( Y* P% I/ l体积电阻率 volume resistivity
; k" i) l& |4 {$ S* L0 I' a4 W吸水率 water absorption rate4 ^8 ?( N. g8 z# }0 s) M
耐电弧性 arc resistance2 ]4 G& B+ e. g" D
耐变压器油性 transformer oil resistance6 |1 `/ x( P$ Z) A, ]3 c
抗甩性 anti-centrifugal splash1 ~) J* |6 e9 _8 [) V, q, [
电导率 conductivity! k* f/ ^; \. k
(电)沉积量 electrodeposition weight7 B7 e& z9 p3 C7 w" P: P
库论效率 Coulombs' efficiency6 ~; @: M% ?" n! K: v
泳透力 throwing power
( p$ V- e6 d0 a) t$ |# T涂料及涂膜病态术语
, G0 a1 I4 N4 I发浑 clouding' `( U- I0 ?' d1 s( B/ r/ A
原漆变色 discoloration of paints or varnishes
# n8 I8 P ^# W6 i0 R2 W; |增稠 thickening1 ^4 U: W1 m' M3 w
变稠 fattening% ~" M' \/ E6 p x5 B+ U+ f
肝化 livering; feeding
/ u0 j6 J. F1 |絮凝 flocculation5 b; M; `& V+ B7 d% d& ]2 D
胶化 gelling
! b3 G5 b/ e( Q1 ~+ M. R晶析 partial crystallization" E- t/ A" M5 w" |1 [' z( R1 V
结皮 skinning
3 ~9 |% b$ {4 ~1 M8 Y沉淀 settling
# U1 j9 ] M* @8 e; k5 m$ Q! T结块 caking/ I* A5 o; L: d1 O- o' p
有粗粒 seedy, e; [( o' U, w; |* i0 E5 i
返粗 pig skin
4 }; z0 ?8 T( n5 h发花 floating
4 @$ z8 l6 I5 U' f [浮色 flooding9 Z! O- }! M2 U" g4 U$ b3 Q
起气泡 bubbling
! S+ ?, h* ^0 z, D/ `+ z- u针孔 pin-holes+ G' K+ K3 ^+ b+ a
起皱 wrinkling
( }$ u8 X% |7 I. `/ F桔皮 orange skin6 n1 E: k. V2 b
发白 blushing T. w6 u* Z2 Z( Z) g
流挂 runs; sags; crutains
+ z/ D" a: r: b6 F2 {6 ~丝纹 ropiness
' g3 X) j, R% `) u& t刷痕 brush mark
+ I& U3 i& ~. b) _$ j! _" j收缩 cissing9 q- w; T5 R; Y6 o
缩孔 cratering
6 s! l) d1 R, ]厚边 fat edge
$ m* G2 l4 A$ z0 p0 Y蠕流 creeping$ U& a7 U3 E) v* E6 Z
漏涂区 miss" D+ z- G# S4 o/ c; y% Z6 `
接痕 lapping defect
6 j2 q l8 x1 T6 I2 p! l堆漆 piling
7 @1 F: b% H T" A* V& m, R* O: r咬底 lifting
* E& Y! |0 N* F- t3 A) M: k# V/ a渗色 bleeding
. y# c) r5 O. L5 d不盖底 non-hiding
o3 v0 T% d& I1 S残余粘性 residual tack
8 I' `0 }6 P/ I7 N闪光 flashing3 b. _1 P) G) P6 K1 Z5 Q% M
渗出 exudation, `7 E6 H$ y+ A3 D! R
干酪化 cheesy
- T. y) E- u& ]4 y7 P表面粗糙 bitty appearance4 \/ M6 U) F& s0 C2 {# ]
积尘 dirt retention5 q: @+ \) V% @' e# v
起霜花 frosting
& A4 }2 t; w+ b污气网纹 gas checking
7 s* J) b! I! V% \2 n8 y+ ?爆孔 popping7 F+ P( x8 B) H! I% i
泛金光 bronzing5 a: f! j0 t. M
漆膜变色 discoloration of lilm& @2 F3 @3 U. [& ]& {, ^
褪色 fading" \; m9 D# _3 u c% B# D
漂白 bleaching
, P2 d/ F" Z. k2 X; k7 B4 _黄变 yellowing# r% a" D7 c+ E0 ^- J
变深 darkening# u2 |0 C& E. P
破坏 perishing
# j+ s. O) | l+ P& {起霜 bloom) F6 Z( O4 M4 R# r6 Y3 k
失光 loss of gloss
) d1 d5 p" j- x5 ]) G变白 whitening
+ t% A% @% k0 Z. r1 n3 t溶胀 swelling: p) N3 A! k1 x* p2 W
软化 softening+ v$ i! W9 X1 D$ `5 [0 G/ N$ v
起泡 blistering. d6 e4 G, R& @. J1 Y4 L
开裂 cracking
! S- n# W& b' M1 R4 \: ~( g微裂 hair-cracking
$ a0 N/ U# U4 M/ k/ j细裂 cracking
7 |! M+ G; g* E8 M! S' M小裂 crazing* u; w) T8 t/ [5 T T/ H/ ^1 ^' K
深裂 deep cracks m+ q- ^+ C5 b) p% S6 i
龟裂 crocodiling(or alligatoring)8 D# v* C) V! S% i' z1 T
鸦爪裂 crow's foot cracking
" b6 h% u, S# v剥落 peeling3 l; `5 Z6 d! U, y+ X( l; y
片落 flaking; S7 j( F u) E* c1 g6 a/ w
侵蚀 erosion
# _3 [9 Z h/ B b8 m* Q- D8 t1 H: S1 S粉化 chalking
) e' b% m5 h; A# c a. U/ ~脆化 embrittlement3 V! g. P3 y* C& i8 H, t
回粘 after tack
9 X* E2 o( [5 d- y+ n0 N" f: z污染痕迹 stain- M( ]* o2 {( B% c5 R
丝状腐蚀 filiform corrosion: t% u9 d6 ?9 ^) s3 Q
长霉 mildew-growing,$ ^& S3 W9 ?- x" Z2 @% m. v* {4 ^
fungus growing, mold growing
9 Z5 l8 T1 P. F' C% Q生锈 rusting" o6 j$ X# `6 l1 E$ k
生白锈 white-rusting0 V4 I) y; G% S! _3 o- p1 |
针孔状腐蚀 corrosion pin-holes |