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发表于 2008-2-5 01:56:07 | 显示全部楼层
Tribute to the Marines
A tribute to the United States Marine Corps and the reasons why they are superior to the many organizations of the world . . .

* United States Marine Corps Birthday: 10 NOVEMBER 1775 *

1) Best haircut. Hands down. You can't have a bad hair day with a high and tight. And you spend less on shampoo.

2) Dress blues. They're the coolest uniforms in any military worldwide.

3) Bloused trousers. Another distinctive Marine look that sets the proudest service members apart.

4) The rest of the Marine sea bag. From the Alphas to the camouflage utilities, uniforms just look better on a Marine than any other service member.
5) Marines don't wear dungarees.
6) Most respect I. When the Marines pulled out of Haiti and Somalia, the media reported the U.S. military was pulling out -- as if tens of thousands of Army troops weren't still in the country. Now that's respect.
7) Most respect II. When the Corps came back to Haiti after 60 years, an old man on the Cap-Haitien beach said ``Welcome back!''
8) Toughest mascot. The Marine Corps' is a bulldog. The Navy's: a goat.
9) Esprit de Corps. Even if you can't spell it or pronounce it, the Marine Corps has it in spades. One example: When sailors get tattoos, they do it to express their individuality, and their choices range from Betty Boop and Mickey Mouse to raging sea serpents. When Marines get tattoos, they do it to express their solidarity, and choose bull dogs, ``death before dishonor,'' and ``USMC.''
10) Best war monument: Iwo Jima
11) The Marines invade, then go home. The Army has to do the occupying.
12) The silent drill team. Just watching them ply their trade makes you want to wear dress blues.
13) Status. Sailors live and work on ships. Marines go for cruises -- then hit the shore.
14) Best fast attack vehicles: LAVs.
15) Best fighting knife: Ka-Bar.
16) Best duty assignments: Okinawa, Kaneohe Bay, Camp Pendleton, Diego Garcia, Moscow, North Carolina. Plus any ship at sea.
17) Worst duty assignments: Okinawa, Kaneohe Bay, Camp Pendleton, Diego Garcia, Moscow, North Carolina. Plus any ship at sea.
18) Most exotic duty assignments: Kuala Lumpur, The White House.
19) Best phone number. Call 1-800-MARINES and you've got the Corps. And if you're a civilian with the character to be a Marine, a recruiter there will be happy to sign you up.
20) Toughest DI's. (Drill Instructors). They're so tough that when the Navy wants to train its officers, who do they call?  
21) Toughest boot camp. When San Diego was still training Navy recruits, legend has it that recruits occasionally would jump the fence and accidentally land in Marine boot camp. The Marines would keep them a couple of days, and when the recruits were sent back, they were ready to be sailors!
22) Best motivational cries: Ooh-rah! - Attack! - Kill!
23) Best emblem: Eagle, Globe and Anchor. (Air, Land and Sea)
24) Best campaign covers: The Smokey Bear hat.
25) Separate heads for enlisted and officers. Everywhere else, officers and enlisted use the same pot.
26) The only official, congressionally sanctioned hymn for any of the services: ``The Marines' Hymn.''

[ 本帖最后由 sumh 于 2008-2-5 10:25 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-2-5 01:56:48 | 显示全部楼层
Military traditions
Top Holiday Traditions In The Military

9. Gluing Santa beard to your gas mask

8. Roasting chestnuts with an M4-A3 flamethrower

7. Draw up list of who's naughty, who's nice and who can't run their 2 miles without wheezing like an infant

6. Christmas morning, getting to sleep in till 0530

5. You open a gift and surprise! It's a khaki-colored t-shirt

4. Extra R&R for any personnel named Donner or Blitzen

3. There's always plenty of parking at the mall when you're driving a tank

2. Watching "Frosty" and crying my eyes out

1. Freeze-dried, shelf-stable, vacuum-sealed eggnog
发表于 2008-2-5 01:57:30 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-2-5 01:58:05 | 显示全部楼层
titter titter
发表于 2008-2-5 01:59:29 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 猛牛過江 于 2008-2-5 01:53 发表 http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/images/common/back.gif

发表于 2008-2-5 02:02:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 02:03:50 | 显示全部楼层
Impressing the others
A young Air Force 2nd Lieutenant had just arrived at Misawa AFB in Japan.

He'd been given a beautiful renovated office and had it furnished with antiques.

Sitting there, he saw an enlisted man come into his outer office.

Wishing to appear the hot shot, the officer picked up the phone and started to pretend he was exchanging chit chat with the Base Commander.

He threw Colonel's and General's names around and talked about letting them stay in his Daddy's condo in Hawaii, and then set up a golfing date between him, the Base Commander, and the CO's of the Naval Security Group and Naval Air Facility.

Finally he hung up and asked the Sergeant, "Can I help you sergeant?"

The TSGT said, "Yes sir, I'm here to activate your phone lines."
发表于 2008-2-5 08:23:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 12:42:16 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sumh 于 2008-2-5 01:56 发表 http://www.3dportal.cn/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Tribute to the Marines
A tribute to the United States Marine Corps and the reasons why they are superior to the many organizations of the world . . .

* United States Marine Corps Birthday: 10 NOVE ...

发表于 2008-2-5 13:12:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 13:13:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 13:14:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 13:16:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 13:16:47 | 显示全部楼层
吉祥的世界欢聚一家,吉祥的鼠年喜上添花。吉祥的密码0808,吉祥的钱卡随便你刷! :lol:
发表于 2008-2-5 13:17:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 13:18:16 | 显示全部楼层
又是一年春来到,金色小鼠把春报;新春幸福吉祥年,奥运健儿齐努力;国泰民安荣昌寿,家和迎来万事兴;嫦娥奔月传喜讯,祝你安康福满堂! :         victory: :      victory:
发表于 2008-2-5 14:09:11 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2008-2-5 15:55:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 19:26:04 | 显示全部楼层
可惜! titter titter
发表于 2008-2-5 20:07:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 20:08:07 | 显示全部楼层
大家都在期待着快出来!    titter
发表于 2008-2-5 20:34:36 | 显示全部楼层
今天出去办了点事,这个红包又被海盗给盗走了 titter
发表于 2008-2-5 22:49:08 | 显示全部楼层
他的3001帖可是发表于 2008-2-5 01:56 ,呵呵,凌晨2点
发表于 2008-2-5 23:25:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-2-5 23:32:49 | 显示全部楼层
Some very common traits in two drunks
A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink. "Why of course," comes the reply.

The first man then asks: "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Ireland," replies the second man.

The first man responds: "You don't say, I'm from Ireland too! Let's have another round to Ireland."

"Of course," replies the second man.

I'm curious, the first man then asks: "Where in Ireland are you from?"

"Dublin," comes the reply.

"I can't believe it," says the first man. "I'm from Dublin too! Let's have another drink to Dublin."

"Of course," replies the second man.

Curiosity again strikes and the first man asks: "What school did you go to?"

"Saint Mary's," replies the second man, "I graduated in '62."

"This is unbelievable!", the first man says. "I went to Saint Mary's and I graduated in '62, too!"

About that time in comes one of the regulars and sits down at the bar. "What's been going on?" he asks the bartender.

"Nothing much," replies the bartender. "The O'Kinly twins are drunk again."
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