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[分享] Inventor多实体在液压气动元件的应用案例

发表于 2024-6-7 18:00:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 虞为民 于 2024-6-7 18:13 编辑
' D( Y8 p  H% R! u; k  }" i5 ^! K1 ~
Inventor多实体在液压气动元件的应用案例1 K; @8 H3 Q7 e/ @3 i5 F! D
ApplicationCases of Inventor Multi entity in Hydraulic and Pneumatic Components
 楼主| 发表于 2024-6-7 18:14:08 | 显示全部楼层
- K& D. u8 X: |& Y$ N(I started using AutoCAD software in the 1990s and also used Autodesk's MDT at the same time)2 N; t  Z0 I8 ^: M. T$ [1 G( Z+ H) M
MDT是autodesk三维机械设计软件,是对autocad 的扩展,但autodesk在1999推出的inventor系列软件功能更强,操作简单,以前的mdt用户已纷纷改用inventor了,相同功能的软件有: solidedge,solidworks,ug,pro.Engineer 等。' S; h- j' I, W( Y
(MDT is a 3D mechanical design software for Autodesk, which is an extension of AutoCAD. However, the inventor series software launched by Autodesk in 1999 has stronger functions and simpler operations. Previous MDT users have switched to using inventor, and software with the same functions include Solidedge, Solidworks, ug, and Pro Engineers, etc.; b$ M. z' T5 b' |' O1 y6 P
 楼主| 发表于 2024-6-7 18:15:02 | 显示全部楼层
我经过许多软件使用的比较,感觉到inventor系列软件功能更强,操作更加简单,所以我在2000年就开始情有独钟地应用inventor系列软件至今。( e: s  Q- @) R' J0 t0 d5 m
(After comparing the use of many software, I feel that the inventor series software has stronger functions and simpler operations. Therefore, I have been using the inventor series software with a special fondness since 2000 until now.)* p0 }3 D; j: l; ~/ V
 楼主| 发表于 2024-6-7 18:15:38 | 显示全部楼层
( B- W% X# o5 G(After comparing the use of many software, I feel that the inventor series software has stronger functions and simpler operations. Therefore, I have been using the inventor series software with a special fondness since 2000 until now.)4 Y( S1 ~5 `; R
 楼主| 发表于 2024-6-7 18:16:14 | 显示全部楼层
Inventor在2010版本开始就有了多实体设计功能,促使我们的设计似虎添翼。+ p6 p) j. Y  G3 v8 Q
(Since the 2010 version, Inventor has had a multi entity design feature, which has made our designs seem like a tiger with wings.)8 y6 q& e7 B/ S: A
 楼主| 发表于 2024-6-7 18:16:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 虞为民 于 2024-6-7 18:18 编辑
7 q  ^- `9 h/ v  R5 J& B" ^( j
6 w+ X$ n: |* O3 b9 T: Y$ n下面我就Inventor多实体在液压气动元件的应用用案例来浅谈自己的一些心得体会与大家分享:+ h5 x' k0 Z3 [2 t7 W8 f" z& Q7 `
Below, I will share with you some of my insights and experiences on the application of multiple entities in hydraulic and pneumatic components using Inventor as a case ) E' @1 p' j* s0 Z% h8 }6 w
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