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本帖最后由 zuoyemoming 于 2010-1-18 13:52 编辑 7 Y; t9 k3 y9 a
2 |4 I$ D+ e p. t0 @' k' {0 R为什么我照着教程编写的LSP程序,老是提示输入中的点位置不正确。
- G2 e, l1 B; m. B; x2 Z0 _8 N这个是照着教程自己写的源码:: Q; b E! ]! Y a+ \# q
;this program will prompt you to enter three points
# z9 I* n$ L1 u6 {" L8 W- t4 i;of a triangle from the keyboard ,or select three points0 k" y9 O2 U3 Q2 w- w5 q
;by using the screen cursor .P1,P2,P3 are triangle corners
; P3 L0 k# l l5 M% |4 A3 u, s Z0 `4 q$ E' R, I
(defun: C:triang1()+ O% _' {- y2 ?- T
(setq p1(getPoint“\n Enter first Point of triangle:”))1 @; e# O J. ~$ s
(setq p2(getPoint“\n Enter second Point of triangle:”))3 e5 G& A3 s2 ?
(setq p3(getPoint“\n Enter third Point of triangle:”))
% U0 j8 l3 n' }8 s+ C (Command“line” p1 p2 p3“C”)
5 b+ [( ?8 d/ J: N- z1 n)
1 n& S5 ~0 |* S2 ^- }1 w5 I教程为下面的图片 |